

From a Greek legislative text

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Επειδή, σε περίπτωση τροποποίησης λόγω αύξησης της μέγιστης ισχύος παραγωγής, ο κάτοχος της Άδειας Παραγωγής / Βεβαίωσης Ειδικών Έργων / Βεβαίωσης Παραγωγού Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας οφείλει να μεριμνήσει προκειμένου για την αναπροσαρμογή του συνολικού ύψους της προσκομισθείσας Εγγυητικής Επιστολής / των προσκομισθεισών Εγγυητικών Επιστολών, σύμφωνα με την παρ. 4 του άρθρου 11Α του ν. 4685/2020.
Προς τούτο, οφείλει να υποβάλει ηλεκτρονικά, ταυτόχρονα με την υποβολή του αιτήματος τροποποίησης λόγω αύξησης μέγιστης ισχύος, αντίγραφο νέας Εγγυητικής Επιστολής, σύμφωνα με το επισυναπτόμενο στην παρούσα υπόδειγμα (Παράρτημα I) και να προσκομίσει στην Ρ.Α.Ε. το πρωτότυπο της νέας Εγγυητικής Επιστολής σε φυσική μορφή, εντός πέντε (5) ημερών από την υποβολή του εν λόγω αιτήματος.
Η νέα Εγγυητική Επιστολή, που εκδίδεται για χρηματική αξία ίση με το υπολειπόμενο ποσό, όπως αυτό προκύπτει συνεπεία της αύξησης μέγιστης ισχύος παραγωγής, προσκομίζεται συμπληρωματικά με την ήδη δοθείσα Εγγυητική Επιστολή για την κάλυψη του συνολικού απαιτούμενου ποσού.
Άλλως, η νέα Εγγυητική Επιστολή, που εκδίδεται για το συνολικό απαιτούμενο για τον εν λόγω σταθμό ποσό, προσκομίζεται σε αντικατάσταση της ήδη δοθείσας Εγγυητικής Επιστολής.
Σε κάθε περίπτωση, η νέα Εγγυητική Επιστολή υποβάλλεται ως στοιχείο τυπικής πληρότητας της εν λόγω αίτησης.
Whereas, in the event of modifications due to an increase in maximum production capacity, the holders of a Production Licence/Special Works Certificate/Electricity Producer Certificate must ensure that the total amount of the Letter(s) of Guarantee they submitted is adjusted in accordance with section 11A(4) of Law No. 4685/2020.
To this end, they must submit, electronically and simultaneously with the submission of their request for a modification due to an increase in maximum capacity, a copy of a new Letter of Guarantee, in accordance with the attached template (Annex I) and they must submit the original of the new Letter of Guarantee in hard copy to the RAE within five (5) days of filing their request.
The new Letter of Guarantee, issued for a monetary value equal to the amount remaining as a result of the increase of the maximum production capacity, must be submitted in addition to the Letter of Guarantee already issued to cover the total amount required.
Otherwise, the new Letter of Guarantee, issued for the total amount required for the station in question, must be presented in place of the Letter of Guarantee already issued.
In any event, the new letter of guarantee must be submitted as evidence of the formal completeness of the application in question.

From an investment fund prospectus

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El Fondo aplicará los límites establecidos en la LECR en cuanto a diversificación de las inversiones, tanto en lo referente a limitaciones frente al activo computable del Fondo en el momento de cada inversión, como en las limitaciones establecidas para cada empresa invertida, considerando también empresas pertenecientes al mismo grupo de sociedades, entendiéndose por tal el definido en el artículo 42 del Código de Comercio.
Además de aquellas inversiones que configuran su objeto principal tal y como se expresa en el Reglamento, y para el desarrollo del mismo, el Fondo podrá invertir en los siguientes instrumentos financieros que provean de financiación a las entidades objeto de su actividad:
Acciones y participaciones en el capital u otros valores o instrumentos financieros que puedan dar derecho a la suscripción o adquisición de las mismas.
Préstamos participativos.
Instrumentos financieros híbridos siempre que la rentabilidad de dichos instrumentos esté ligada a los beneficios o pérdidas de la empresa y que la recuperación del principal en caso de concurso no esté plenamente asegurada.
Instrumentos de deuda con o sin garantía en las empresas en las que el Fondo ya tenga una participación a través de alguno de los instrumentos anteriores.
Acciones o participaciones en otras Entidades de Capital Riesgo constituidas de acuerdo con la LECR
Asimismo, de acuerdo con lo establecido en la LECR y siempre que no utilice más del veinticinco por ciento (25%) de su activo computable, el Fondo podrá igualmente extender su objeto principal a:
valores de renta fija negociados en mercados regulados o en mercados secundarios organizados.
participaciones en el capital de empresas distintas de las que son objeto de su actividad, incluidas participaciones en IIC, en ECR y en entidades de inversión colectiva de tipo cerrado (EICC)
Financiación de cualquier tipo de empresas que formen parte de su objeto principal.
The Fund will apply the limits established in the Spanish Venture Capital Firms Act (Ley 22/2014, de 12 de noviembre, por la que se regulan las entidades de capital-riesgo) with regard to diversification of investments, with respect both to the limits on the Fund’s calculable assets at the time of each investment, and to the limits established for each company it invests in, while also considering companies in the same group of companies, within the meaning of section 42 of the Spanish Commercial Code (Código de Comercio).
In addition to the investments making up its primary objective as specified in the Rules, and to carry out this objective, the Fund may invest in the following financial instruments that provide financing to the undertakings that are the target of its activity:
Shares and stakes in capital and other securities and financial instruments that can give rise to the right to subscribe or acquire them.
Participation loans.
Hybrid financial instruments, provided that their profitability is linked to the company’s profits or losses, and that recovering the principal is not fully assured in the event of insolvency.
Secured and unsecured debt instruments in companies already held by the Fund through prior instruments.
Shares in other venture capital firms incorporated in accordance with the Venture Capital Firms Act
The Fund may also, in accordance with the Venture Capital Firms Act and provided it does not use more than twenty-five percent (25%) to do so, extend its primary objective to:
fixed-income securities traded on regulated markets or on organized secondary markets.
shares in companies other than those that are the object of its activity, including shares in collective investment companies, in venture capital firms and in closed-end collective investment undertakings
Cash holdings Financing any type of company included in its primary objective.

From a Moroccan Investment Agreement

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Les sanctions pour défaut ou retard de paiement selon appliquées conformément à la législation fiscale en vigueur, depuis la date d’exigibilité qui aurait été retende en l'absence d’exonération.
A défaut de conservation des biens immeubles éligibles au droit à déduction, inscrits ans un compte d'immobilisation pendant le délai de dix (10) ou en cas de leur affectation concurremment à la réalisation d'opérations taxables et d'opérations situées en dehors du champ d'application de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée ou exonérées en vertu des dispositions de l’article 91 du CGI, des régularisations seront effectuées conformément aux dispositions de l’article 104-II du CGI.
Les cessions, cessations ou transformations de la forme juridique de l’entreprise impliquent des régularisations à opérer conformément aux dispositions des articles 114 et 161 du CGI.
Droit d’importation :
La Société sera tenue de s’acquitter de tous les droits d'importation exigibles sur la totalité des biens d'équipements, matériels, outillages, parties, accessoires et pièces détachées, importés ou acquis localement dans le cadre des exonérations accordées par les dispositions de l'article 7.I de la Loi de Finances n°12-98, tel qu'il a été modifié et complété.
Les sanctions et majorations pour défaut ou retard de paiement seront appliquées conformément aux dispositions du code des douanes et impôts indirects.
Liquidated damages for non-payment and late payment will be charged in accordance with current tax legislation, from the due date that would have been deferred but for the exemption.
In the event of a failure to keep the properties eligible for the deduction registered in a fixed asset account during the ten (10) year period or if they are allocated concurrently to carrying out taxable operations and operations not subject to VAT or exempted from it under section 91 of the Moroccan General Tax Code (Code Général des Impôts), regularisations will be carried out in accordance with section 104(II) General Tax Code.
Assignment, termination or transformation of the legal form of the company will result in having regularisations carried out in accordance with sections 114 and 161 General Tax Code.
Import duty:
The Company will be required to pay all import duties payable on all capital goods, equipment, tools, parts, accessories and spare parts, imported or acquired locally within the framework of the exemptions granted by section 7(I) of the Moroccan Finance Act 12-98 (Loi de Finances), as amended and supplemented.
Any liquidated damages and surcharges for non-payment and late payment will be applied in accordance with the Moroccan Customs and Indirect Taxes Code (Code des douanes et impôts indirects).

From a technical audit report

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Le dépôt peut être divisé en trois zones :
Une zone d'enregistrement des conteneurs (vérification des documents, pont bascule etc.),
Une zone « atelier » où sont effectuées diverses opérations de maintenance : lavage, soudures, retouches peintures, meulage, cisaille, distribution de carburant pour les charriots porte- conteneurs,
Le reste étant consacré au stockage temporaire des conteneurs.
Ci-dessous, les différents installations, produits consommables observés sur site :
Atelier de réparation
Zone de stockage des différents gaz (acétylène, oxygène, TAL)
Zone dédiée au stockage des déchets (DIB, ferrailles)
Karcher utilisé pour le lavage des conteneurs
Stockage de peinture
Zone de recharge des conteneurs frigorifiques
Aire de lavage des conteneurs équipée de 2 karchers
Gate « out » - Enregistrement/contrôle des conteneurs
Dans le deuxième bâtiment (zone atelier), on retrouve les mêmes activités (sauf le nettoyage), à savoir :
Application de peinture sur conteneurs,
Soudures / manutention des conteneurs
Description des stockages / quantité consommée
The warehouse can be divided up into three areas:
A container registration area (document verification, weighbridge etc.),
A 'workshop' area where various maintenance operations are carried out: washing, welding, paint touch ups, grinding, shearing, fuel distribution for container carts,
The rest is dedicated to temporary storage of containers.
Below are the various installations and consumables observed on site:
Repair workshop
Storage area for various gases (acetylene, oxygen, TAL)
Area dedicated to the storage of waste (non-hazardous waste, scrap metal)
Kärcher used for washing containers
Paint storage
Refill area for refrigerated containers
Container washing area equipped with 2 Kärchers
'Out’ gate - Registration/control of containers
In the second building (workshop area), the same activities (except for cleaning) are carried out, namely:
Applying paint on containers,
Welding / handling of containers
Description of storage / quantity consumed

From Corporate Articles of Association

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La constitución de la asamblea ordinaria en primera convocatoria requerirá la presencia de accionistas que representen la mitad más uno de las acciones con derecho a voto.
En segunda convocatoria la asamblea considerará constituida, cualquiera sea el número de accionistas presentes.

La asamblea extraordinaria se reunirá en primera convocatoria con la presencia de accionistas que representen más del 60% (sesenta por ciento) de las acciones con derecho a voto.
En segunda convocatoria se requerirá la concurrencia de accionistas que representen más del 50% (cincuenta por ciento) de las acciones con derecho a voto.
No lográndose el último de los quorum, deberá ser convocada nueva asamblea para considerar el. mismo orden del día, que sesionará con la concurrencia de accionistas que representen más del 50% (cincuenta por ciento) de las acciones con derecho a voto.

Las resoluciones de las asambleas ordinarias en primera convocatoria, serán adoptadas por mayoría absoluta de votos de accionistas que representen más del 50% (cincuenta por ciento) de acciones con derecho a voto; en segunda convocatoria, las resoluciones serán adoptadas, por mayoría absoluta de votos de accionistas presentes.
To be convened on the first call, shareholders representing at least half plus one of the shares with voting rights must be present at the meeting.
On the second call, the meeting will be convened no matter how many shareholders are present.

The extraordinary meeting will be convened on the first call with the presence of shareholders representing at least 60% (sixty per cent) of the shares with voting rights.
The second call will require the attendance of shareholders representing at least 50% (fifty per cent) of the shares with voting rights.
If the latter quorum is not attained, a new meeting must be called to consider the same agenda, which will be held with shareholders in attendance representing over 50% (fifty per cent) of the shares with voting rights.

Resolutions of ordinary meetings convened on the first call will be passed by an absolute majority of shareholders representing at least 50% (fifty per cent) of the shares with voting rights. On the second call, resolutions will be adopted by an absolute majority of the shareholders present.
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